4. Better Scalability:
Scalability is known for catering towards unexpected demands. Whatever computing resources the company will need, whether for traffic, processing or other workloads, cloud's scalability feature will serve that without crashing.
Achieving this level of scalability inside an enterprise is a challenge, which includes the purchase of expensive hardware that can be kept redundant for any unexpected excessive demand. It's a huge amount of money to spend on equipment that can only be used occasionally. Also, companies need to wait for it to boot again and brought online until its resources can be used, as it's likely to remain cold until it is needed.
Achieving scalability in the cloud is way more practical and affordable. Service providers have enormous data centers that the amount of scaling up an enterprise can do is almost limitless. In cloud services, additional resources are also available at the click of a button as soon as the company requires them. And, the most important thing is that cloud services can be used on a pay-as-you-go basis, which ultimately reduces the cost as the demand reduces, and make it far more cost-effective than purchasing a server that's rarely used.