Cloud Security Solutions & Services GCP-Aws-Azure-OCI

Vast Edge offers comprehensive cloud security solutions and services designed to safeguard your cloud infrastructure and data. Vast Edge's cloud security solutions and services aim to protect your cloud assets, ensure compliance, and provide you with peace of mind regarding the security of your data and applications in the cloud. Their expertise in cloud security, combined with their commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest security threats and solutions, makes them a valuable partner in safeguarding your cloud infrastructure.

Vast Edge's Cloud Security Offerings

Security Assessment and Compliance

Vast Edge conducts security assessments to identify vulnerabilities and compliance gaps.
Vast Edge help align your cloud environment with industry standards and regulations, ensuring data protection and compliance.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Implement and manage user access controls, roles, and permissions to ensure only authorized personnel can access your cloud resources.
Utilize Identity as a Service (IDaaS) solutions for secure authentication and single sign-on.

Data Encryption

Vast Edge employs data encryption at rest and in transit to protect your sensitive information from unauthorized access.
They help you manage encryption keys securely.

Network Security

Secure your cloud network with firewall configurations, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and intrusion prevention systems (IPS).
Implement Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) for isolated network segments.

Cloud DLP (Data Loss Prevention)

Protect sensitive data from accidental or intentional exposure.
Implement DLP policies to prevent data leakage in the cloud.

Security Awareness Training

Train your personnel to recognize and respond to security threats.
Foster a security-conscious organizational culture.

Incident Response and Recovery

Develop an incident response plan and strategy to swiftly respond to and recover from security incidents.
Minimize downtime and data loss in case of breaches.

Managed Security Services

Vast Edge can provide 24/7 managed security services, monitoring your cloud environment for threats and vulnerabilities.
Expert analysts respond to and mitigate security incidents.

Security across GCP, Azure, AWS , OCI

Vast Edge offers a diverse range of security solutions that span across all major cloud platforms, including GCP, Azure, AWS, and OCI.

GCP Cloud Security Solutions & Services

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides a wide range of security solutions and services to help organizations protect their cloud infrastructure, applications, and data. GCP's security offerings are designed to address the evolving threat landscape and to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your cloud resources.

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM):
    GCP IAM allows you to control who can access your resources and what actions they can perform. It provides centralized user and role management, making it easier to set permissions and manage access.

  • Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP):
    IAP provides a secure way to manage and control access to applications running on GCP. It verifies user identities and grants access based on specific criteria.

  • VPC Service Controls:
    VPC Service Controls help secure data within GCP services by defining perimeters around resources and APIs. It adds an additional layer of protection for your cloud resources.

  • Cloud Key Management Service (KMS):
    KMS allows you to manage encryption keys for your cloud resources. It helps you protect data at rest and in transit by providing a centralized key management system.

  • Cloud Identity:
    Cloud Identity is a centralized identity and access management service that integrates with GCP. It helps you manage and secure user identities and access across your organization.

  • Cloud Armor:
    Cloud Armor provides DDoS protection and web application firewall (WAF) capabilities to safeguard your applications and websites from cyberattacks.

  • Security Command Center:
    GCP's Security Command Center provides a centralized view of your security posture. It offers security risk assessment, threat detection, and compliance reporting.

  • Forseti Security:
    Forseti Security is an open-source security toolkit for GCP. It helps automate security best practices and enforce policies across your cloud environment.

  • Cloud Monitoring and Logging:
    GCP offers monitoring and logging services to provide real-time visibility into your cloud environment. You can use Google Cloud Monitoring and Google Cloud Logging for security monitoring and analysis.

  • Security Analytics:
    GCP's security analytics services help you detect and respond to security threats and anomalies using machine learning and data analysis.

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP):
    GCP DLP helps you identify and protect sensitive data across your cloud resources. It offers scanning, classification, and redaction of sensitive information.

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):
    GCP VPC allows you to create isolated networks for your resources. It helps you establish network segmentation and control to enhance security.

  • Encryption:
    GCP provides encryption for data at rest and in transit. You can encrypt data using Google-managed keys or customer-managed keys.

  • Managed Security Services:
    GCP partners with third-party security providers to offer managed security services, such as firewall management, threat detection, and incident response.

  • Compliance and Certifications:
    GCP complies with various industry standards and regulations and provides certifications to demonstrate its security and compliance efforts.

Vast Edge's security solutions and services are tailored to assist organizations, regardless of their size, in safeguarding their cloud infrastructure and data. When utilizing GCP, it is crucial to comprehend your unique security prerequisites and utilize the suitable security functionalities and services to address those demands. Moreover, routine security evaluations and compliance verifications are vital for upholding a secure GCP environment.

AWS Cloud Security Solutions & Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a comprehensive set of security solutions and services to help organizations protect their cloud infrastructure, applications, and data. AWS's security offerings are designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your cloud resources.

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM):
    AWS IAM allows you to manage user identities and permissions to control who can access your AWS resources. You can define fine-grained access policies and roles for users, services, and applications.

  • AWS Organizations:
    AWS Organizations is a service for managing multiple AWS accounts within your organization. It provides consolidated billing and allows you to set and enforce policies for multiple accounts.

  • Amazon GuardDuty:
    GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS environment for suspicious activity and potential security threats. It provides alerts and findings to help you respond to threats quickly.

  • Amazon Macie:
    Macie is a machine learning-based data security and data privacy service that automatically discovers, classifies, and protects sensitive data in AWS.

  • AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall):
    AWS WAF is a firewall that helps protect your web applications from common web exploits and attacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

  • AWS Firewall Manager:
    Firewall Manager simplifies the management of web application firewall rules across multiple accounts and resources.

  • Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud):
    VPC allows you to create isolated network environments to host your AWS resources securely. You can control network traffic, set up private subnets, and use security groups and network access control lists (NACLs) to enhance security.

  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS):
    AWS KMS helps you create and control encryption keys for data protection. You can use it to encrypt data at rest and in transit.

  • Amazon Inspector:
    Inspector helps you identify security vulnerabilities in your AWS resources. It assesses the security of your applications and provides recommendations for improving security.

  • Amazon Cognito:
    Cognito is an identity and access management service for mobile and web applications. It provides user authentication, authorization, and user management features.

  • AWS Security Hub:
    Security Hub provides a centralized view of your security alerts and compliance status across multiple AWS accounts. It aggregates findings from various security services and helps you prioritize and remediate issues.

  • CloudTrail:
    AWS CloudTrail records all API calls and actions taken in your AWS account. It provides a history of changes and helps with auditing and compliance.

  • AWS CloudWatch:
    CloudWatch enables monitoring and logging of AWS resources and applications. You can set up custom alarms and dashboards to monitor resource performance and security.

  • Encryption Services:
    AWS offers various encryption options, including server-side encryption, AWS Key Management Service (KMS), and CloudHSM for data encryption.

  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection:
    AWS Shield provides protection against DDoS attacks to keep your applications and data available.

  • Compliance and Certifications:
    AWS complies with a wide range of industry standards and regulations and offers certifications to demonstrate its security and compliance practices

Vast Edge security solutions and services are designed to help organizations of all sizes protect their cloud infrastructure and data. When using AWS, it's essential to understand your specific security requirements and leverage the appropriate security features and services to meet those needs. Regular security assessments and compliance checks are also crucial for maintaining a secure AWS environment.

Azure Cloud Security Solutions & Services

Microsoft Azure offers a wide array of security solutions and services to help organizations secure their cloud infrastructure, applications, and data. Azure's security offerings are designed to address the evolving threat landscape and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your cloud resources.

  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD):
    Azure AD is an identity and access management service that allows you to manage user identities and access to Azure and other Microsoft services. It supports multi-factor authentication, conditional access policies, and single sign-on.

  • Azure Security Center:
    Security Center provides a unified security management system for Azure resources. It offers threat protection, security policy management, and continuous security monitoring. It can identify security vulnerabilities and recommend remediation actions.

  • Azure Identity Protection:
    Identity Protection uses advanced analytics to detect and respond to identity-based security risks. It provides insights into suspicious sign-in activities and user vulnerabilities.

  • Azure Firewall:
    Azure Firewall is a managed network security service that provides state full firewall capabilities for controlling incoming and outgoing traffic to and from Azure resources.

  • Azure DDoS Protection:
    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection safeguards Azure applications by mitigating DDoS attacks and ensuring service availability.

  • Azure Key Vault:
    Key Vault allows you to safeguard cryptographic keys, certificates, and secrets used by cloud applications and services. It provides secure key management and storage.

  • Azure Policy:
    Azure Policy allows you to create, assign, and manage policies to enforce compliance with organizational standards and service-level agreements.

  • Azure Information Protection:
    Information Protection helps protect data by classifying and labeling information based on sensitivity and ensuring that data is protected both on-premises and in the cloud.

  • Azure Disk Encryption:
    Disk Encryption provides data protection by encrypting the OS and data disks of Azure virtual machines.

  • Azure Sentinel:
    Sentinel is a cloud-native Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) service that provides intelligent security analytics for advanced threat detection and response.

  • Azure Virtual Network (VNet):
    Azure VNets allow you to isolate and secure network traffic between Azure resources. Security groups and network security groups help control traffic flow.

  • Azure Information Protection Scanner:
    The Information Protection Scanner scans files and detects sensitive information. It can apply labels and encryption to files, ensuring data protection.

  • Azure Security Services for IoT:
    Azure offers security services for Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applications, such as device identity and access control, device provisioning, and threat protection.

  • Azure Security Benchmark:
    The Azure Security Benchmark is a set of best practices to help you secure your Azure resources. It covers various security areas, including identity, network, and data protection.

  • Compliance and Certifications:
    Azure complies with a wide range of industry standards and regulations, offering certifications to demonstrate its security and compliance practices.

Vast Edge's security solutions and services are crafted to assist organizations of any scale in addressing their security needs when utilizing Azure. When working with Azure, it is imperative to comprehend your unique security prerequisites and make use of the relevant security functionalities and services to fulfill those requirements. Additionally, consistent security evaluations and compliance audits play a pivotal role in upholding a secure Azure environment.

OCI Cloud Security Solutions & Services

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) offers a range of security solutions and services to help organizations secure their cloud infrastructure, applications, and data. OCI's security offerings are designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your cloud resources.

OCI security key solutions and services:

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM):
    OCI IAM allows you to manage user identities and access to OCI resources. It provides fine-grained access control and role-based access management.

  • OCI Identity Governance:
    Identity Governance is an identity lifecycle management service that enables you to automate and streamline user access request and approval processes.

  • Network Security:
    OCI offers various network security services, including Virtual Cloud Networks (VCNs), security lists, and Network Security Groups (NSGs) to secure your network traffic and isolate resources.

  • Security Zones:
    Security Zones provide isolation for your cloud resources, allowing you to control traffic flow and enforce security policies.

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF):
    WAF is a security service that helps protect web applications from common web exploits and attacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

  • OCI Firewall:
    OCI Firewall is a state full firewall that controls inbound and outbound traffic for virtual cloud resources.

  • Key Management:
    OCI Key Management Service (KMS) allows you to securely manage and control encryption keys used to protect data at rest and in transit.

  • Data Protection:
    OCI offers various data protection solutions, including encryption, data masking, and data classification, to safeguard sensitive data.

  • OCI Security Zones:
    Security Zones provide a secure and isolated environment for hosting sensitive workloads and applications.

  • OCI Cloud Guard:
    Cloud Guard is a threat detection and automated remediation service that continuously monitors your cloud environment and helps protect against security threats.

  • OCI Logging and Monitoring:
    OCI provides logging and monitoring services to help you track and analyze security events and incidents. This includes services like Audit and Monitoring.

  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
    OCI SIEM solutions allow you to collect and analyze security event data in real-time for threat detection and response.

  • Compliance and Certifications:
    OCI complies with a range of industry standards and regulations and offers certifications to demonstrate its security and compliance practices.

  • Infrastructure Security:
    OCI provides a secure and highly available infrastructure with features like bare metal servers, Virtual Machine (VM) instances, and container services.

  • Advanced Threat Protection:
    OCI offers advanced threat protection solutions, such as Oracle Cloud Guard and Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS), to help identify and respond to security threats.

Vast Edge provide security solutions and services available on OCI. When using OCI, it's essential to understand your specific security requirements and leverage the appropriate security features and services to meet those needs. Regular security assessments and compliance checks are also crucial for maintaining a secure OCI environment.

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