Realize the business value of connectivity

Internet of Things

(IoT) is a growing global network of smart devices, ranging from mobile phones to motor vehicles to utilities meters and beyond. With wireless connectivity, app-like functionality and the ability to store and transmit large amounts of data, these devices are making the efficiencies of the Internet available in all sorts of unexpected new places.

The IoT is poised to create remarkable business opportunities for forward-thinking organizations. Specifically, it will aid companies in maximizing customer retention by enhancing post-sale experiences through:

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    Gathering valuable real-time data on how customers utilize products and services.
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    Delivering value-added services to customers through a variety of new channels.
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    Enhancing efficiency in industrial complexes, often referred to as the "Industrial Internet."

However, capitalizing on the opportunities presented by the significantly increased connectivity of machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and the vast amounts of "big data" generated by IoT will pose unprecedented challenges in development, integration, security, and management for enterprise IT.

Leading the way with IoT APIs

APIs are increasingly crucial to IoT as they enable smart devices to transmit the information they gather to other devices and reuse it across various complementary applications. The inherent complexity of IoT implies that ensuring security and scalability for these APIs will be a more intricate task compared to Web and mobile scenarios.

Therefore, to leverage APIs for facilitating IoT-based integrations, organizations will require access to the most cutting-edge API management and security technology available. This technology must manage API security and performance at vast transaction rates, as well as process and translate between the emerging protocols used by smart devices.

CA API Management offers a truly industry-standard, IoT-ready API management solution. Despite the rapid growth scale of IoT, with CA Technologies at the helm, enterprises can deploy secure APIs, establish scalable M2M networks, and extract meaningful insights from the big data stores generated by smart devices.

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Elevating Your Software Product Engineering Journey with Vast Edge

Making the Internet of Things Real: Connect, Transform, Reimagine

SAP solutions for the Internet of Things provide everything necessary to continuously generate data-driven intelligence from connected things, people, and devices to optimize business processes and automate operations. This is made possible by the unique ability of the SAP HANA platform to monitor, analyze, and automate businesses in real-time.


Founded in the year 2004, VastEdge is a leading IT Consulting Company and Global Service provider of Business Intelligence, Big Data analytics, cloud ERP, IoT platform, enterprise backup and disaster recovery, Blockchain, Cassandra, AI/ML and Integration solutions... Read more about VastEdge company




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