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Do you have trouble sending emails using SMTP mail server? Do you require a secured host server for averting sensitive data theft and hacking? Do you want to integrate the impeccable and hassle-free distribution of bulk emails? If the answer to any of these questions is yes! Oracle APEX deployment by Vast Edge enables enterprises to send emails through Microsoft Office 365. Vast Edge integrates an SMTP server for mailer inbound/outbound configuration to verbalize with office365.
Oracle ATP with APEX provides enterprise-grade performance to quickly develop and deploy high-quality applications. One of the most important requirements for APEX applications is to send email notifications to the application users as well as external partners. Vast Edge's differentiator for APEX SMTP-Office 365 Configuration are:
Vast Edge's deployment solutions don't require any programming or specific tools. Our configuration engineers use pre-defined sample connection templates to set up your SMTP configuration in a few minutes while providing remote setup support for any future issue. APEX application.
Vast Edge's deployed solutions allow one-way, two-way, and multi-way connections with top-notch features like disabling unwanted operations, dynamic columns cleanup, data transformation or translation, and custom business logic addition.
Vast Edge integrates all your apps in a dynamic system to support various software like Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, Dynamics, Exchange, Azure, Microsoft Flow, Logic Apps, Microsoft Teams, and others.
Our SMTP configuration allows enterprises in accessing and syncing 3rd party vendor's data with an external system through .NET, XML, CSV, and others.
An SMTP mail server with an email client or software performs the whole email delivery process. Many users face an error notification in apex while sending emails. Here's an expeditious and facile procedure to configure your apex environment for emails through office 365:
Oracle APEX requires the certificates to be stored in the DB wallet for all third party integrations to work. This is done to maintain security to deliver enterprise-grade applications. In order to setup SMTP access in APEX to send emails through office 365, we need to first import the certificates from office 365. The certificate chain can be found here at Office 365 Certificates. Next, you need to set up the SMTP settings as shown in the attached image. And now, you will be able to send emails from APEX through office 365.
Make sure to check use SSLTLS after the connection is established under instance email settings. Also, there should only be one slash in the wallet certificate file path.