Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)

Oracle EBS includes a wide range of modules and functionality, covering areas such as:

  • Financial Management: This module includes applications for managing accounting, financial reporting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and other financial processes.
  • Human Capital Management (HCM): HCM modules support human resources, payroll, and workforce management, enabling organizations to manage their employees effectively.
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM): SCM modules cover areas like procurement, inventory management, order management, and manufacturing, helping businesses optimize their supply chain operations.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): CRM applications in Oracle EBS assist in managing customer interactions, sales, and marketing activities.
  • Project Management: Project management modules help organizations plan, execute, and monitor projects effectively.
  • Procurement: Procurement applications aid in the procurement of goods and services, including supplier management and sourcing.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing modules support various manufacturing processes, including production planning, work order management, and quality control.
  • Asset Management: Asset management modules assist in tracking and managing company assets, such as equipment and facilities.
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting: Oracle EBS includes reporting and analytics tools to help organizations make informed decisions based on their data.
  • E-Business Tax: This module helps organizations manage complex tax requirements and calculations.

Vastedge provide support of Oracle ERP implementation of hardware, software maintenance and support.

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