Analytics Innovation - SAS Business Solutions by Vast Edge

Vast Edge & SAS

Applying transformational analytics helps businesses to improve their revenue growth and attain a competitive edge over their counterparts in the global industry market. Vast Edge and SAS form a strategic alliance to find synergy in advanced analytics and collaborate on the development of profitable business services that will help the business organizations in modernizing their entire analytics environment.

Analytics Solution Provider

Vast Edge has a well-founded partnership with SAS for predictive analytics. We help the companies capitalize on SAS advanced analytics to enhance their data-driven customer experience.

Global Conference Sponsor

Vast Edge is a Ruby Sponsor of SAS Global Forum. Since 2015, our brightest minds of analytics participate in The Quad to demonstrate how our esteemed services add value to SAS software.

Business Solution Provider

Vast Edge and SAS forge strategic partnership to benefit the industry players in terms of expanded global network, optimized revenue growth and sustainable business advancement.

  • SAS has developed one-of-its-kind multivendor architecture for analytics innovation. This offers a great opportunity to businesses for achieving seamless transformation with the help of modernized analytics solutions. SAS has been leading the global market with its highly advanced and unmatched products for enterprises that deliver wonderful results, regardless of business size and hierarchy within the organization. SAS enterprise solutions comprise of:
  • Analytics Pro
  • Visual Statistics
  • Office Analytics
  • Customer Intelligence 360
  • In-Memory Analytics
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