Customer relationship management (CRM) is all about managing business relationships with customers. CRM combines business processes, people, and technology to achieve this single goal getting and keeping customers. Its an overall strategy to help businesses learn more about their behavior so they can develop stronger, lasting relationships that will benefit both of them. Its very hard to run a successful business without a strong focus on CRM, as well as adding elements of social media and making the transition to a social enterprise to connect with customers in new ways.

CRM Solutions

CRM solutions are one of the few investments that businesses can justify in this economy. Because to steer company through these turbulent times, its more important than ever to be on top of every lead, every opportunity, and every customer interaction. What a business cant afford is a big up-front software investment thats expensive to install and maintain.Successful CRM involves many different areas of the company, starting with sales and extending to other customer-facing areas like marketing and customer service. offers a technology solution for all those areas and more. With Salesforce and cloud computing platform, businesses can mind their customers and budget at the same time. Get up and running in 30 days with the worlds most proven CRM solution.
Salesforce business CRM products include applications for critical areas of businesses like sales and customer service. Theres no need to seek individual CRM solutions for sales force automation, customer service, partner management, marketing and campaign management, etc. Salesforce.coms CRM solutions provide everything in one neat package.

CRM solutions help ensure that sales, marketing, and support efforts are all working toward a common goal, to take business success to a whole new level. Streamline and automate business processes, give everyone in the company a complete view of the customer, provide deeper analysis and insight into critical sales and customer metrics, and keep everyone focused on getting new customers while keeping existing ones happy.

CRM Solutions for Sales & Marketing: Generate more leads, effectively market through multiple channels, optimize lead management, convert leads into customers, view all account-related information and activities, keep sales reps working productively, analyze sales pipeline, and see whats working and whats not. An effective CRM solution helps keep sales and marketing focused on filling the sales pipeline and generating more revenue rather than manually tracking sales leads.
CRM Solutions for Activity Management: View all customer transactions, respond confidently to customer calls or emails, capture important information about customer interactions, and manage tasks and follow-up activities with CRM.
CRM Solutions for Service & Support: Collect customer support requests from all channels, assign support cases to the appropriate agent or group of agents, leverage the best solutions to customer problems, escalate support cases when needed, help customers find solutions via business Web site, stick to service-level agreements with customers, and identify areas for service improvements. All that translates to better service and happier customers.

Cloud Computing & CRM

Cloud computing has the IT world abuzz. But what exactly is it? Traditional client/server CRM software is a dying breed. CRM software market has shifted from an ownership to a rental model, freeing businesses from hassle and expense of software purchasing, deployment, and maintenance. Cloud computing is another way to describe the much more compelling model of delivering business software over the Internet. With the Web, businesses can cut costs because they only pay to use the software instead of purchasing it. A multitenant platform with a single, common infrastructure and code base that is centrally maintained makes this model possible.



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