Cloud Security assessment & management

Is your system architecture designed to prevent unauthorised access? Is your cloud data and application secured from cyber threats? Have you conducted adequate security analysis prior to adopting cloud technology? If any of these concerns are troubling you too, let Vast Edge assist in getting out of it. Vast Edge provides top-notch reliability, implements security guidelines to ensure authenticated access control of cloud data, prevents invasion from external and internal threats, and provide the digital transformation to your business.

Security Analytics Services by Vast Edge

ArcSight Analytics is a big data behaviour based anomaly detection solution giving enterprises customizable dashboard for visualizing their users, network and applications integrated with SIEM, to prioritize events according to compliance and offer DNS malware analytics.
RSA Security Analytics Decoder is a configurable real-time network appliance for analysis of network packet and log data from endpoints to cloud. The clients can discover attacks missed by log-centric SIEM and can correlate network packets using signature-based tools for security data.
JSA Virtual Appliance, is a virtualized security information and event management (SIEM) system that consolidates system vulnerabilities with network data from distributed application systems. It helps in prioritizing security incidents with its master console and delivers security intelligence in a cost-effective manner.
IBM QRadar Security Intelligence Platform provides a comprehensive, integrated approach that combines real-time correlation across structured and unstructured data for continuous custom insights and forensic capabilities. IBM solution helps find hidden malicious activity with deep evaluation and operation on an organization's data.
Cisco Cognitive Threat Analytics automatically investigates suspicious web traffic to establish a presence with response to the attacks without additional hardware or software. It uses Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) and Trusted Automated Exchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) for integrating with SIEM platforms.

Cloud Vendor Lock-In

In case of cloud migration, enterprises require an assessment to provision for a better lift and shift of data and IT workload policy to orchestrate cost-cutting. Vast Edge offers a state-of-the-art solution to deal with vendor lock-in scenarios to aid in the optimization of the overall cost and performance of the infrastructure and software applications.

>> Address effective employment of redundant cloud.
>> Fine-tuned strategy for migration compatibility of SaaS, IaaS and PaaS architecture.
>> Minimise the risk of losing confidentiality, integrity and availability.
>> Provisions for a risk-free NIST framework implementation.
>> Offers migration with reduced disruption of services while minimizing expenditure.
>> Cloud security assurance that offers an exit strategy ahead for continuity of operations, if the worst-case scenario occurs.

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Lack of Insight and Control over Supply Chain

While adopting cloud migration, enterprises, in general, faces a lack of insight and control over supply chain practices for hardware and technical aspects of their services. Vast Edge provisions testing on the CSP's hardware to check for compliance and reduce counterfeiting concerns like tampering, malware, and, spyware.

>> Dynamic software and version updates like OS, web servers, and database servers in PaaS and IaaS environments.
>>Advanced networking in the architecture for SaaS environment.
>> Offers SLAs to provide information and additional control.
>> Instils FedRAMP controls for supply chain compliances.
>> Enhanced insight into the architecture and servers.

Patch and Version Management Complication

Vast Edge helps enterprises ensure security by monitoring, reviewing and installing updates and patches in order to uphold system stability and performance.

>> Prevents mishap while deploying updates and patches.
>> Provisions MFA for bugs, Zero-day exploits and other security issues.
>> Automates patching, update deployments, and termination of services.
>> Vulnerabilities related to services, software, applications, and hardware is patched dynamically.
>> Support for platform or software application service in case of an unexpected shutdown.

Row/Column Level Security On OAC

Column Level Security

Vast Edge configured Column level security in OAC specifies sensitive columns names, restricts users from accessing sensitive columns data and prevents malicious users from discovering a column. Direct encryption of data methodology used by Vast Edge granularly encrypts specific columns or parts of the column. Column level security leverages binary columns to store encrypted data and different encryption keys for different columns.

1. Vast Edge deployed Column level security in OAC enables enterprises to encrypt the data in the database and limit user access to data.

2. Our security experts limit access to data preventing stealth of files, wallet and DB.

3. Column level security simplifies the design and coding of security in your application restricting user access to columns containing sensitive data.

4. These restriction enhances security while ensuring a reliable and robust security system.

5. It eliminates the need for introducing views to filter out columns for imposing access restrictions on the users.

6. Dynamic Data Masking feature in column-level security uses masking policies to selectively mask plain-text data in table and view columns in real-time.

7. ternal Tokenization mechanism enables accounts to tokenize data before loading it into the database and detokenize the data at query runtime.

Row Level Security

Vast Edge offers row-level security in OAC to enable enterprises to use group membership or execution context to control access to rows in a database table and helps implement restrictions on data row access. It also allows developers to control user access rights to information on a row, leveraging a high-level set of permissions. Oracle enforces RLS to prevent data information within dashboards, tiles, reports and from unassigned users.

1. Row-Level security defines the security policy to restrict access to objects based on specific entitlements and filters out the user access using a predicate clause.

2. Oracle encryption security leverages table access control without implementing custom stored procedures for insert, update, and delete SQL statements.

3. The cumbersome process configured by Vast Edge, greatly simplifies the design and coding of security leveraging codes and design changes.

4. By enforcing RLS, Vast Edge enables different users to work with different subsets of data assigning a parameter that pulls data from datasets.

5. Vast Edge's deployed RLS enables enterprises to provide access to other applications and users only to a certain portion of a table.

6. The access restriction logic is located on the database tier that leverages access restrictions every time data access is attempted from any tier.

7. Oracle OAC deploys a security predicate that invokes and enforce security policy and restricts access to row data in a table.

Methods Of Specifying Row Level Security

Vast Edge leverage OAC protocols to provide different methods that specify row-level security for enterprises. This include:

Enables enterprises to specify row-level security using the Set ID and dimension key fields.
Enables enterprises to specify row-level security by associating a constraint with a dimension table.
Enables enterprises to specify row-level security using existing tree hierarchies that are defined for a dimension.

Oracle Cloud Security Checkpoints

Vast Edge offers top-notch database security that prevents against vulnerabilities and protects your data and staff against malicious intrusions and interferences. Our security experts provision tight security with physical access control, trustworthy installation and configuration procedures. By enforcing comprehensive database security, we orchestrate support for businesses' practical concerns, minimize the cost of equipment, and reduce delays and errors. Vast Edge's custom-deployed security checklists for Oracle Cloud include:

Vast Edge offers the first-in-line defence that deploys easy-to-walk facility to your identity and authorization process with a key or badge. In addition, Vast Edge elaborates security measures that concern company size, risk of loss, internal access controls, quantity, and frequency of outside visitors.

Leveraging Oracle's features, Vast Edge offers a trustworthy personal checklist that enables SMBs to aware and alert in case of any security concern and consideration.

Oracle offers industry-grade best security practices that establish strong and secure configuration for information security, privacy, and protection of corporate assets and data. The security recommendations implemented by Vast Edge include:

>> Install only what is required.
>> Lock and expire default user accounts.
>> Change default user passwords.
>> Enable data dictionary protection.
>> Practice the principle of least privileges.
>> Enforce access control effectively.
>> Restrict OS access.
>> Restrict network access.
>> Apply all security patches and workarounds.
>> 24x7 support for Oracle products & services.

Vast Edge improves network security and communication by orchestrating thorough protection leveraging client, listener, and network checklists.

>>SSL Checklist: SSL leverages secure communication providing mechanisms for data integrity and encryption. The mechanism protects in-and-out messaging and in-between as well. It further safeguards application and server while supporting secure authentication and authorization.

>> Client Checklist: It assists in avoiding client system issues that include falsified IP addresses, hacked OS or apps, and stolen client system identities.
>>Listener Checklist: It deploys the database's gateway that limits the malicious interference by restricting the privileges of the listener and leveraging secure administration.

>>Network Checklist: It leverages network security by protecting the network and its traffic from inappropriate access or modification.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Security Checkpoints

GCP deploys database security with security checkpoints that address user work permission and enforces organization-wide controls. It also protects your cloud architecture by implementing applicable security controls and protecting your applications deployed on the cloud. Vast Edge's implemented security checkpoints in GCP includes:

By implementing network control, Vast Edge allows you to implement traffic-based boundaries, provides subnet-based logical boundaries for subnets traffic, and manages firewall traffic permits in-between a source and target.

GCP offers top-notch security by implementing a custom-tailored control mechanism applicable to enterprises architecture. It further implements a process to rotate and avoid the accidental loading of critical information to private and public repositories.
>> API proxies are configured to either Cloud endpoints or Apigee edge to manage authenticated calls to API.
>> Global load balancing together with Cloud Armour to protect your public apps.
>> IAP manages user access for web-facing apps.

Google provides an encryption request for securing enterprise critical secrets and downloads keys using KMS.

Google checklists enable DLP API that classifies your data and implements AIM roles to restrict access to your datasets. It also provides audit data access, data lineage and locations.

checklists leverages Stack Driver to configure audit logging and to set up alerts.

Data Security

Data security threats like malicious attacks, accidental deletion, a physical catastrophe, or any such mishaps are a major concern for enterprises. Vast Edge leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence to avoid data loss and provide multi-factor authentication for safe storage and back-up. We implement top-notch recovery methods to restore critical data in case of any malicious attack or catastrophic failures.

>> Offers situational awareness and set priorities using AI.
>> Delivers advanced storage table model to avoid data loss.
>>Provide alternatives for effective management of security and privacy.
>>Enhanced availability, integrity and confidentiality of enterprise data.
>> Offers cloud environment to ensure adequate security measures and compliance.
>> Data protection laws and regulations along with DR for accidental or malicious deletion.

Configuration security

Vast Edge orchestrates standard steps to ensure security controls and configurations for computer systems in order to protect against vulnerabilities. Vast Edge has decades of experience and understanding of how cloud security works.

Provides additional training to manage new security controls, interfaces, applications, paradigms, and vulnerabilities associated with the cloud.
Configure system control to avoid the vulnerability of exploitation such as compromise of user accounts or a data breach.
Dynamic configuration of system, application, and network to avoid loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.

Physical security management

In a traditional on-premise network environment, businesses want control over the physical security measures used for protecting their systems. Vast Edge provides strong management of physical assets that strengthen access to servers, configurations, network and fight against malware.

Risks associated with the cloud are reduced by inducing AI and ML at the physical location.
Data security, privacy, and storage supported by advanced cloud technology to protect against malicious attacks.
Data sources, if compromised, are shut down with warning.

Foreign Storage Security

Businesses, now-a-day, are rapidly moving and aiming for a global market. In such scenarios, storing data at multiple venues is a dire need for enterprises. Vast Edge provisions for advanced control of data storage and processing across geographical locations.

>> Periodic review of data for compliance and fulfil legal requirements across the globe.
>>Foreign data secured and encrypted using MFA to protect against inadvertent or malicious redirect to any foreign server.
>>Provisions for security compliance while moving data from one location to another.
>>Backed by legal and highly accepted plan with compliance to laws and regulations set by the specific region

Compliance with Laws and Regulation

Vast Edge deploys a traditional on-premise computing environment in the cloud so that enterprises are ensured for compliance with various laws and regulations concerning the data sets. It further allows them to presume the control of the operating environment and the systems.

>> Coordination reviews to implement security measure.
>> Provide an additional level of authenticity to ensure compliance.
>>Integration with other CSP services, verifications and SLAs.
>> Support for laws and regulations including FISMA, HIPAA, SOX, PCI DSS.

Increased complexity and burden on IT staff

Vast Edge helps enterprise prepare and train their IT staff to manage, integrate and maintain cloud assets. We offer services, techniques and tools so that enterprises can avail advance insights and reduce the complexity of the hectic task and IT burden on staff.

>> Ensure best practices and computing standards.
>> Service and review of compliance with rules, regulations, and, laws.
>> Extreme diligence to conduct a smooth and secure transition of data.
>> Displaces acceptable plan for policy, management, legal, and procurement.
>>Ensures data encryption, establishes proper logging and offers appropriate access controls and authentication.


Founded in the year 2004, VastEdge is a leading IT Consulting Company and Global Service provider of Business Intelligence, Big Data analytics, cloud ERP, IoT platform, enterprise backup and disaster recovery, Blockchain, Cassandra, AI/ML and Integration solutions... Read more about VastEdge company




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