When the cloud computing era started, organizations chose only one cloud provider to drive their IT infrastructure. But now, our economy is getting digital, which means higher user demands along with the increased pressure on infrastructure for better response rate.
Enterprises keep looking for an environment that can handle their workloads and provide various benefits for better scalability and performance. We all understand that every cloud has its own advantages that make it difficult for any single cloud to fulfil all the organization's needs. Infact, a well-managed multi-cloud architecture gives us the benefit of shifting every transaction as needed in any organization.
Let's have a look at why the multi-cloud approach is ideal for most organizations:

What is Multi-Cloud Strategy:

The concept of multi-cloud approach involves utilizing multiple clouds to distribute applications and services, including public and private clouds from two or more vendors. Multi-cloud strategy can be used to minimize various risks such as downtime and data loss in any organization by distributing computing resources among various services that they provide.

There are three most common cloud computing services: Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. And, every cloud has its own advantages and disadvantages, which can't be fulfilled with a single cloud strategy.

Significant Business Advantages by Multi-Cloud Strategy:

A rapidly increasing number of organizations are adopting a multi-cloud strategy. It is likely that businesses will choose to use more than one public cloud provider in order to meet their different business requirements. Organizations of all sizes, especially those of medium- and enterprise-sized, have become wise to adopt multi-cloud strategies.

Let's have a look at why we should consider multi-cloud strategy for our businesses:

  • Price Affordability:

    Price affordability is one of the major advantages of implementing multi-cloud strategy. Different cloud service providers have different price ranges for their offers, so you will have different options to select the service that your application requires depending on their prices. A multi-cloud strategy allows you to deploy your model where computing resources are more affordable.

  • High Speed with Minimal Latency:

    Users who are located far from cloud servers sometimes experience delays accessing their data and applications based on one cloud provider. And, we can avoid delays by multi-cloud strategy as the server closest to the user can serve the request and can save time.

  • Resilience against Future Competition:

    A seamless transition from one cloud provider to another is made possible when you offer multiple cloud environments to your business. For example, let's assume that one of the vendors has an infrastructure meltdown or an attack. The user can instantly switch to another cloud provider or back up, instead of waiting to get the issue resolved and ending up losing data. Multi-cloud provides resilience of relocating cloud infrastructure in case of emergency without any interruptions.

  • Enhanced Security:

    Single cloud adoption can be the cause of security issues which means losing control over mission-critical apps and data. While a multi-cloud environment allows to maintain a hybrid approach that enables amalgamation of security and cost savings simultaneously. For instance, the most secured operations can be kept in the private cloud and business data and apps can be run in cost-effective and secure public cloud networks at the same time.

  • Avoid Vendor Lock-in:

    Depending on one cloud service provider for all services will have its difficulties and challenges. If your vendor decided to make some changes in the price model or features, you will be in big trouble. And, at that point it would be very difficult and costly to move to another vendor.
    Running your applications across multiple cloud service providers can help you avoid being dependent on a single cloud service provider and can save you from any losses.

  • Higher ROI:

    Each cloud has its own features/functionalities or price models, so it can be challenging due to any rapid changes in IT landscape to predict the right fit for your apps and business needs. The multi-cloud model approach provides businesses various options to choose the service provider to properly fit in their business use case, rather than depending on a single one.
    Also, deploying applications on multiple clouds provides agility, reliability, flexibility and better total cost of ownership (TCO) and ultimately maximizes ROI.

    The technological implications of each deployment style must be understood in order to develop a sound strategy.

    These practices will help you simplify multi-cloud deployments by leveraging the benefits of cloud services:

    1.Standardization: It is a crucial component of cloud adoption. Utilize standardized formats and protocols for networking, computing, and storage.

    2.Unified Management: Use software that enables you to view and control numerous clouds from a single interface.

    3.Multi-Cloud Monitoring: Utilize separate tools to provide uniform monitoring across multi-cloud settings while performing multi-cloud monitoring.

When data is spread across several cloud environments, effective data integration becomes essential. Most businesses leveraging cloud will soon be operating in a hybrid or, more likely, multi-cloud deployment environment. Therefore, in order to succeed with multi-cloud and hybrid data integration, it is vital to unlearn current methods.
According to a recent Valtix survey, 96 percent of businesses want to strategically prioritize a multi-cloud environment in 2022, with security being the utmost importance. Still, fewer than half of these businesses claimed to be very confident in their ability to implement a multi-cloud strategy. It is vital for technology business leaders to prepare for a multi-cloud world.

Vast Edge Cloud provides specialized cloud development services to assist businesses in finding answers. In order to put best practices for multi-cloud management into effect, we can assist you in designing your company strategy and processes. The implementation and management of a managed multi-cloud strategy can result in significant benefits for an organization. The realization of this potential can be achieved through an effective management platform.


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